After a Loved One has Died

At the time of death, there are so many emotions and decisions to be made that it can feel overwhelming. Our staff is ready to assist you and your family in making the best decisions to take care of your loved one. This information is intended to give you a better idea of what to expect following the death of a loved one.

Contact The Proper Authorities

Before any arrangements or decisions are made, the proper authorities need to be notified. If your loved one dies while under medical, nursing or hospice supervision, the staff there will handle this. If your loved one dies at home and they are not on hospice, you need to immediately contact emergency services and they will assist.

Begin To Make Arrangements

If your loved one has pre-planned any type of services, you and your family should first look into those choices. If not, the first step is to decide which funeral home to use and call them so you can meet with a funeral director. 

If the deceased hasn’t made their final wishes known, you and your family will have to decide on burial/entombment or cremation. You may then also decide on things such as service date and time, type of merchandise needed, obituary notices, and other specifics relating to the service.

Information Funeral Directors May Need

Once you have talked with a funeral director, they will advise you on information or other paperwork they need to proceed with final arrangements. What they will need to file a death certificate includes:

Information Required:

  • Full legal name
  • Social security number
  • Marital status with spouse's legal name
  • Date and city of birth
  • Highest level of education
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Father’s name, mother’s maiden name
  • Occupation

Documents Funeral Directors May Need

Funeral directors will need important documents to complete any legal paperwork. These documents include:

  • Life insurance policies
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Military discharge papers (form DD 214)
  • Cemetery paperwork

Taking Care Of Personal Property

Following the death of your loved one, there may be a few things you need to attend to. First, make sure your loved one’s property (home, vehicle, etc.) is properly secure. If your loved one has a pet, make the necessary arrangements for the pet to be taken care of. Any mail should be forwarded to a family member, preferably who is going to be in charge of the estate. If your loved one has any upcoming appointments, make contact to notify them of the death and cancel the appointment.

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